g. Nikica Baran, sa NCP-om više od 15 godina!
Dojam, Marex 320 ACC
U svojoj kategoriji ostavlja bez teksta. Sve je na svojem mjestu, iskorišten svaki centimetar prostora. Daje ti osjećaj topline, sigurnosti, iznenađuje detaljima, rješenjima, za kratko vrijeme vrlo brzo se osjećaš kao kod kuće. Interijer, materijali, dizajn, wc, tuš, kabinski prostori ....ma umoriš se tražeči grešku , a ti na odmoru.
Plovne sposobnosti su nevjerovatne, nema teksta. Lagan za upravljenje, jede milje i more bez obzira na vremenske uslove. Sa putnih 17 - 19 milja nije ni puno gladan.
Za sve ostalo šta želite znati morate doći i probati...
Mr. Nikica Baran, with NCP for over 15 years!
Impressions on Marex 320 ACC motor boat charter with NCP & mare
For this size of boat it leaves you speechless, everything is just where it should be, every inch perfectly used. Gives you a feeling of warmth, safety, surprises you with well thought details, in no time you feel at home. Interior, building materials and design of head unit, shower compartment, cabins...you get tired trying to find a mistake, and you are supposed to be on vacation ! To put in in simple words NCP & mare are the best Croatian & Šibenik yacht charter and boat rental company.
Unbelievable maritime capabilities. Easy handling, smooth on the seas, even in rough conditions. And at the cruising speed of 17-19 kts does not consume much diesel.
For the rest you want to know, you have to come and try...